Russia is aggressive and Georgia is ready to withdraw its troops.

Topic: Georgian-Russian missile incident

  Georgia has submitted a cease-fire note to Russia and appealed to the United States for help and called on Rice to mediate.

  ? Gori, the military center of Georgia, became the target of Russian attack. Many houses were on fire, and a woman fled in panic.

Russian troops marched in a valley in South Ossetia.

On the street of Gori, a man cried with his dead relatives in his arms.

  Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on the 9th that the only way to calm the conflict in South Ossetia is for Georgia to withdraw its troops immediately.

  Georgia said on the 10th that it had begun to withdraw its troops from South Ossetia.

  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on all parties to the Georgian conflict to immediately stop hostilities and settle their disputes peacefully at the UN headquarters in new york on the 9th. The Security Council met for the third time on the same day to discuss the conflict in South Ossetia, but still failed to reach an agreement on the text of the statement.

  The United States and the European Union called for an immediate ceasefire. The United States criticized Russia for "excessive" use of force.

  The two sides are still fighting fiercely.

  The fighting between Russia and Georgia in South Ossetia continued on the 10th. At present, Russian peacekeeping forces control most parts of Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, and are engaged in fierce fighting with Georgian troops in the suburbs. Georgia announced on the 10th that it would stop military operations from now on.

  Nogovitsyn, deputy chief of staff of the Russian army, said at a news conference held in Moscow on the 10th that Russian peacekeeping forces have now controlled most areas of Tskhinvali and Georgian troops are on the defensive. While constantly withdrawing from the urban area, the Georgian army began to assemble reserve troops. The Russian Air Force will attack the second echelon of the Georgian army, but it will not attack Georgian non-military facilities and cities.

  Nogovitsyn also said that the Russian 58th Army, which had entered South Ossetia to help Russian peacekeeping forces, was shelled by Georgian troops, and the commander of the Army, Khrulev, was injured and hospitalized, and his life was not in danger at present. The 58th Army is now under the command of the Deputy Commander.

  Russia says Georgia is making a comeback

  The headquarters of peacekeeping forces in South Ossetia said on the 10th that Georgian troops currently have 7,400 soldiers, 100 tanks and an unknown number of artillery in Tskhinvali region. The Georgian army continued to shoot at the targets in the city. The situation in South Ossetia is still tense, and the two sides of the conflict "have not negotiated or reached any agreement".

  On the 10th, Itar-Tass quoted Lomaya, secretary of the Georgian Security Council, as saying that due to Russian bombing of Tskhinvali on the evening of the 9th and the early morning of the 10th, Georgian government forces were redeployed and occupied positions near Tskhinvali.

  According to the Itar-Tass news agency reported on the 10th, the Georgian Foreign Ministry submitted a diplomatic note to the Russian Embassy in Georgia on the same day to stop military operations from August 10th. The Russian Foreign Ministry subsequently said that it had received a note from Georgia on the ceasefire in South Ossetia, but Georgian troops have not stopped their military operations in South Ossetia.

  Georgia withdrew from the war zone

  Georgian President mikhail saakashvili made a speech on the 9th, calling for an immediate ceasefire. He also criticized Russia for trying to "destroy" Georgia.

  "Russia launched an all-out military attack on Georgia," Saakashvili said. "An operation to destroy Georgia is underway."

  Georgian State Minister for Unification Affairs responsible for mediating the conflict between Abkhazia and South Ossetia Timur Yakobashvili said on the morning of 10th that Georgian troops had withdrawn from Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia.

  Alexander Lomaya, secretary of Georgia’s National Security Council, held a telephone press conference with the media later that day, saying that Georgian troops had "almost left South Ossetia". He said that Georgia has asked US Secretary of State condoleezza rice to mediate the conflict. Georgia has close ties with the United States and hopes to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

  Russian Deputy Foreign Minister grigori Carracin said that Russia needs to verify Georgian claims.

  Bombing the military airport in Georgia’s capital and assembling troops in another separatist region.

  Russia opens up a second front?

  The conflict between Russia and Georgia around South Ossetia is becoming increasingly fierce. Three huge explosions were heard in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, on the morning of the 10th. Senior Georgian officials said that Russian warplanes bombed the military airport on the outskirts of Tbilisi and assembled troops in Abkhazia, another separatist region of Georgia, showing signs of opening a second front.

  According to British and other media reports, Georgian Interior Ministry official Uashvili said: "Three bombs landed in a military airport, causing damage to the airport runway, but there were no casualties." Uashvili said that the airport belongs to a military factory that produces Su -25 fighters.

  He said that in the past few hours, Russia has dispatched 6,000 troops to Georgia and sent another 4,000 troops to Abkhazia by sea. Russian troops are preparing to attack at dawn. He said: "They are waiting for the dawn to start offensive operations, and Georgia is facing a humanitarian disaster."

  Senior Georgian officials said on the 10th that Russian naval vessels had entered Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia.

  Alexander Lomaya, secretary of the Georgian National Security Council, said, "Russian warships have arrived at the port of Ochamchira, Abkhazia.

  Earlier, it was reported that an unnamed official in the State Council revealed on the 9th that the United States had learned that Russia planned to transfer some warships of its Black Sea Fleet to Abkhazia on the grounds of protecting the safety of its nationals. However, the official did not disclose the position of the United States on this move by Russia.

  According to reports, Georgian President Saakashvili said on the 9th that Georgia repelled the attack launched by Abkhaz armed forces on Georgian troops in the Kodori Gorge that day.

  Kodori Gorge is located in the conflict zone of Abkhazia, Georgia. Abkhazia is an autonomous Republic of Georgia, bordering on southern Russia. In July 1992, Abkhazia declared its independence on its own, which triggered an armed conflict. After mediation by Russia and the international community, Georgia and Albania signed a ceasefire agreement in Moscow in May 1994, and then Russian troops entered Abkhazia in the name of the CIS peacekeeping force. Wang Hui

  feature article

  Georgian people line up to donate blood on the streets.

  Since independence in 1991, Georgians have become accustomed to the turbulent political environment. However, after witnessing the raging flames in the city where they live, residents fled the capital Tbilisi, and Gori, a city near the border region of South Ossetia, suffered heavy casualties. Residents were frightened and felt very scared about the war.

  In one of the cities, Gori, which was bombed and bombarded by Russian troops, a large number of ambulances shuttled back and forth on the street to take the injured to the hospital. Many residents immediately fled to other areas for temporary shelter, and many residents decided to stay and defend their homes.

  Batamanishvili, 18, said: "My mother and sister have left Gori, but I decided not to leave. This is my Georgia! I love Georgia! " He also said, "I will sign up for the army tomorrow."

  Gori is the closest city to the South Ossetia border region, the military center of Georgia and the largest city in the country, which naturally becomes the target of Russian attacks. Images broadcast by local TV stations showed that many houses were on fire and bodies were lying everywhere in the street.

  Russian warplanes carried out at least three air strikes on the town and surrounding areas on the 9th, targeting bridges and several military bases.

  Affected by the war, the wireless telephone system in Gori city was interrupted, and residents could not contact their relatives and friends with their mobile phones. In the largest hospital in the city, many people gathered to inquire about the news of injured relatives and friends, and some people shed tears. A man’s wife was injured and was being rescued. He said excitedly, "What is the government thinking? Have you ever thought about us? "

  In the capital Tbilisi, there are long queues outside several blood banks, and a large number of enthusiastic people come to wait for blood donation. Some people have been waiting for more than three hours and insist on waiting. A teenager asked for blood donation, but the nurse refused because he was only 15 years old and not old enough.

  Tbilisi remained generally calm on the 9th, but the streets were deserted and deserted. Nina, who works as a cashier in a supermarket, said, "We are worried that the bombing in Russia will spread throughout Georgia." comprehensive

  ? Two thousand civilians were killed and thirty thousand refugees fled.

  According to a report by RIA Novosti on the 10th, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Churkin told the press on the 9th that all Russian military operations belong to the category of peacekeeping missions, and their scope is limited to South Ossetia.

  Churkin said that the invasion of South Ossetia by Georgian troops in the early morning of the 8th resulted in serious damage to Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, and a total of 34,000 refugees fled. The South Ossetian authorities said that the Georgian military operations killed 2,000 civilians and 12 Russian peacekeepers, and injured more than 150 Russian peacekeepers.

  Boldyrev, commander-in-chief of the Russian Army, said that at present, Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, has been completely destroyed, water and electricity have been cut off in the city, all hospitals and kindergartens have been bombed, and many children have been killed.

  ? Russian position Medvedev accused Georgian president

  According to Russian media reports, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on the 10th that those who commit crimes against civilians in South Ossetia will be punished, including taking criminal responsibility. He will order the military prosecutor’s office to initiate an investigation into crimes in South Ossetia. Mironov, chairman of the Russian Federation Council (the upper house of parliament), said on the 9th that Russia firmly demands that Georgian President Saakashvili be held criminally responsible for waging war crimes.

  Putin attacked Georgia’s "ethnic cleansing"

  Putin arrived in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, on the 9th to visit South Ossetian refugees who fled here.

  He criticized the Georgian army for "ethnic cleansing" in South Ossetia, saying that it was "completely legal" for the Russian army to counterattack the Georgian army.

  "Georgia launched a bloody military adventure, hoping to drag other countries into the conflict and take the opportunity to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization," Putin said. "We call on the Georgian authorities to immediately stop attacking South Ossetia."

  Putin said that from August 2 to 9, as many as 34,000 refugees entered Russia from South Ossetia. The Georgian authorities have dealt a fatal blow to their territorial integrity. It is hard to imagine that after all this, South Ossetia will be willing to become a part of the Georgian state.

  International reaction

  The United States will not provide military assistance for the time being.

  On the same day, US President George W. Bush telephoned Medvedev to discuss the situation in South Ossetia.

  Bush called Russia’s attack on targets in Georgia "dangerous" and called on Russia to stop air strikes immediately.

  Medvedev said that the conflict was caused by Georgia, so Georgian troops must withdraw first.

  A senior American official, who asked not to be named, told Reuters that Russia used excessive force against Georgia.

  The official said that Russia used a strategic bomber with a bomb load of 54,000 pounds (24.5 tons) to launch ballistic missiles at Georgia, "far beyond the appropriate range".

  However, the official ruled out the possibility of the United States providing military assistance to Georgia at this stage. He also believes that Russia obviously does not want to see Georgia become a member of NATO, so it took the opportunity to severely punish Georgia. "From the perspective of Russia, this is understandable, but the United States cannot accept it."

  At the same time, the EU issued a statement on the same day, calling on Russia to respect Georgia’s sovereignty. The statement said that Russia’s attack on Georgia "may affect the relationship between the EU and Russia".

  French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner will go to the conflict area and put forward the EU’s proposal to resolve the conflict.

  Security Council negotiations are deadlocked.

  Since the outbreak of the conflict in South Ossetia, the Security Council has met twice to discuss this matter, but it has not been able to reach an agreement. The Security Council held consultations again on the afternoon of the 9th, but still failed to make any statement.

  Jean Graule, the rotating president of the Security Council this month and the Belgian Permanent Representative to the United Nations, held separate consultations with all parties. However, he said after the meeting that it was difficult for the Security Council to reach an agreement on the conflict in South Ossetia in order to issue a statement, given the latest developments and differences of opinion within the Security Council.

  The draft statement, drafted by the Belgian side, called on all parties to "exercise restraint and avoid further use of force".

  Vitaly Churkin, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said that he thought it was difficult for the Security Council to adopt a "meaningful" statement at this time. He demanded that Georgia immediately withdraw from South Ossetia and sign a document that promised not to use force in South Ossetia.

  Although the Security Council could not reach an agreement, the office of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued a statement on the 9th, saying: "The Secretary-General calls on all parties to immediately stop hostilities and seek a peaceful solution through negotiations without delay."

  Ban Ki-moon said that in order to solve the South Ossetia issue, all armed parties without authorization from relevant agreements should leave the conflict zone immediately.

  French foreign minister will stop in Russia

  France, which holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, announced on the 9th that French Foreign Minister Kouchner will rush to Russia and Georgia as soon as possible to propose a solution to the crisis to both sides.

  The French Presidential Palace said that President Sarkozy proposed a three-point solution to the crisis, including the immediate cessation of hostilities, full respect for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the restoration of the local situation before the conflict.

  In a TV interview on the evening of the 9th, Kouchner said that Russian troops should retreat to their bases, while Georgia should restore the previous situation. He pointed out that this is a terrible war that suddenly broke out because of trivial matters, and the conflict should be stopped.

  News analysis

  The essence of the conflict is the dispute between the United States and Russia, and NATO’s eastward expansion is the fuse.

  Once Russia and Georgia went to war, they immediately stopped fighting, which reflected the complicated political background behind the South Ossetia issue.

  The victim of the great power struggle

  The South Ossetia issue reflects the opposition between national sovereignty and national self-determination. As we all know, South Ossetia is an autonomous prefecture of Georgia, bordering North Ossetia of Russia and having close relations with Russia. South Ossetia, demanding independence, had an armed conflict with the Georgian central government in the early 1990s. Since 1992, Russia, Georgia, North Ossetia and South Ossetia have formed the Quadripartite Mixed Monitoring Committee for the settlement of the conflict in South Ossetia, and the mixed peacekeeping forces composed of Russia, Georgia and South Ossetia have begun to carry out peacekeeping missions in conflict areas.

  Because Georgia was dissatisfied with Russia’s position on South Ossetia, it changed its course and moved closer to the west. Especially in the late 1990s, when Russia was declining, the CIS lost its centripetal force because of "more independence and less alliance". The relationship between Georgia and the West is getting closer and closer. Georgia keeps putting pressure on Russia and reciprocates the western countries led by the United States. Recently, it has been reported that the United States is ready to admit Ukraine and Georgia into NATO. In this regard, the new Russian President Dmitry Medvedev issued a warning this year, claiming that if Georgia joins NATO, it will lead to more bloody conflicts between the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia and South Ossetia Autonomous Prefecture. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed: "If Georgia thinks that joining NATO can calm the conflict, it can only be an illusion. Georgia’s accession to NATO can only bring more bloody conflicts. "

  It can be seen that there are two great powers, the United States and Russia, behind the South Ossetia issue. Obviously, on the issue of South Ossetia, the United States supports Georgia’s position of clearing the rebellion in South Ossetia, while Russia is opposed. The different attitudes and positions of the United States and Russia have intensified the contradictions. The eastward expansion of NATO is the fuse of the military conflict in South Ossetia. Russia’s traditional sphere of influence is being squeezed by the United States.

  America is the biggest winner.

  First of all, the worst loss is naturally Georgia. Georgia launched a military strike against South Ossetia on the eve of the Olympic Games, resulting in a large number of civilian and peacekeeper deaths and injuries, which was condemned by the international community. Needless to say, it is even more difficult for South Ossetia to return to Georgia after this ordeal.

  Followed by South Ossetia, casualties, the destruction of the capital, I am afraid that the hope of the reunification and independence of South and North Ossetia will become even more slim.

  The third is Russia. Due to the warning information released by the Russian high-level officials, Russia is suspected of being a planner in this incident and is inevitably suspected by the international community. Moreover, after all this noise, Georgia is likely to speed up the pace of joining NATO.

  Of course, there are still some beneficiaries. The United States is the biggest beneficiary. The reason for the United States to enter Transcaucasia is more sufficient, and the conflict in South Ossetia will also prompt Georgia and Ukraine to accelerate their entry into the sphere of influence dominated by the United States. Moreover, this time, the United States has abandoned the political logic that the right of national self-determination is greater than national sovereignty, which is difficult for the international community to refute. On the contrary, Russia holds double standards on Chechnya and South Ossetia, but it is easy to give orders to others.

  Internationalization of regional issues

  Before Georgia was serious, the border between South Ossetia and Georgia was separated by a 15-kilometer-long and 14-kilometer-wide security corridor, which was basically controlled by Russia. As a result, whenever Georgia wants to join NATO, Russia always threatens the South Ossetia issue. But after several gunshots in Georgia, everything changed. The security corridor disappeared, and the armed conflict took away Russia’s last illusion about Georgia, so Russia finally had to seek the intervention of the Security Council. This move, to some extent, recognized the abortion of the regional security and stability situation previously dominated by Russia, and the internationalization of the South Ossetia issue became inevitable. While calling on all parties to exercise restraint, the United States secretly encourages Georgia to make things worse so that it can intervene later on with more grandiose reasons. South Ossetia, the last fortress in Russia’s Transcaucasia, was so easily breached by the United States. Wen yufu

Editor: Zhang Renhe

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Rene Liu sent a message late at night: I want to eat Yichang red oil steamed stuffed bun

At 23: 50 on November 15th.

Rene Liu released Weibo.

Our red oil steamed stuffed bun in Yichang

After Richie Jen.

Once again by the star @

in recent years

Yichang spicy sauce steamed bun

Be loved by more and more people.

And frequently boarded the must-eat list.

Yichang spicy sauce steamed bun

Choose fermented dough from old noodles

And red oil cooking stuffing.

The dough is strong, the stuffing is spicy and red in white.

Full of color, flavor and taste

In the domestic steamed bun industry, it is "unique"

In early November, it was in full swing.

Yichang marathon

It’s in the post-race service area at the half-horse finish line.

Set up stalls for food such as red oil buns.

Reward runners from all over the country who come to Yichang.

There is a long queue in front of the booth.

Running friends shouted "delicious!"

Zhang Jinchao

Zhang Jinchao

Some netizens recommended it.

Other delicious food in Yichang ~

Many Yichang netizens still leave messages in the comment area.

"Yichang welcomes milk tea"

Netizens are so active.

Share Yichang gourmet

This has to mention the last time

After Miriam Yeung came to Yichang,

Tasting local coffee

At that time, it also caused quite a stir.

Roasted tomato souffle rice bread with jade seeds.

Everyone still has

What Yichang cuisine do you want to share?

Come and leave a message in the comments section!

Original title: "Rene Liu wrote in the middle of the night: Want to eat Yichang Red Oil Steamed Bun"

Read the original text

Re-investigation of information leakage in express delivery industry: on the day of placing an order, your information may have been sold to fraudsters.

  "You should not be sent by the public security bureau ‘ Spy ’ Right? " Zhou Chen, who claimed to be engaged in telecommunication network fraud in northern Myanmar, tried many times and told reporters that he could buy real-time express noodles at the price of 4 yuan, but the goods on the list must be "mother and baby".

  Similarly, Zhuyi, who claimed to be in charge of "receiving materials" in the "studio" of electronic fraud, bought "mother and baby" express noodles at the price of 5 yuan. He explained that in the express delivery list of shoes, bags, liquor, clothing, cosmetics, mother and baby, the "conversion rate" of mother and baby is high, which is "easy to cheat" in common parlance.

  Double Eleven is approaching, is your express parcel information safe? From late September to mid-October, 2021, after several days of unannounced visits, The Paper reporters found that the courier sheets printed with personal information such as name, telephone number and address were sold in batches with clear price tag, involving Shentong Express, Best Express, ZTO Express, YTO Express and other enterprises. These express orders are classified into "historical" and "real-time (sent on the same day)", and they are accurately classified and sold according to the type of goods, the price of goods, and the gender of express users. According to whether it is real-time information and different commodity prices, the price varies, forming a set of "rules".

In Baidu Post Bar "Express Bar", "Electronic Face Sheet Bar", "Yuantong Bar" and "Courier Bar" and other communities, online posts selling and buying user express face sheets abound. The pictures in this article are all from The Paper reporter Qin Shan.

  In Baidu Post Bar "Express Bar", "Electronic Face Sheet Bar", "Yuantong Bar" and "Courier Bar" and other communities, online posts selling and buying user express face sheets abound. The pictures in this article are all from The Paper reporter Qin Shan.

  Real-time express bill is the information document of the package sent by the user after placing the order on the same day. After the user often places an odd number of hours, the personal information is priced for sale. Some buyers said that most people in the "circle" claimed to be used to "accurately market and drain" businesses, but in fact many of them flowed into the hands of telecom network fraudsters at home and abroad. The above-mentioned two people who claimed to engage in telecom fraud told reporters that they had been collecting materials in the "studio" engaged in fraud for a long time, and the "studio" had a clear division of labor, and someone called for fraud.

  Obtaining personal express information through illegal channels is often the first step of telecommunication network fraud. After obtaining personal courier information, fraudsters will pretend to be "customer service" or "courier brother" and "fish" in different ways. Common things such as "lost package, claim by courier company", "damaged goods, contact for refund", "sending a return link, and taking personal information".

A user who received the express "material" posted a net post to find a seller.

  A user who received the express "material" posted a net post to find a seller.

  In fact, information leakage in the express delivery industry is not uncommon in recent years. For example, last year, "Yuantong ‘ The mole ’ The incident involving the disclosure of 400,000 express customer information has aroused widespread concern. However, despite the constant crackdown, the phenomenon of information leakage has not been eradicated.

  Underground market: Real-time and accurate express information is more expensive.

  "Express bill" refers to the bill used by the express delivery industry to record the sender, consignee, product weight, price and other related information during the delivery of goods, which needs to be affixed to the package. A courier list contains the recipient’s name, telephone number, home address and other private information.

  "Face-to-face list, find a courier brother, and cooperate with Yuncang. The main collection list is cosmetic and skin care products, children’s clothes on the car, and maternal and child products … "

  In Baidu Post Bar "Express Bar", "Electronic Face Sheet Bar", "Yuantong Bar" and "Courier Bar" and other communities, online posts selling and buying user express face sheets abound. In the "circle", the express information is called "material", and the face sheet is mostly replaced by abbreviations such as "KD" and "MD". Under a net post for discharging materials, there will be multiple recipients leaving messages or private letters for inquiry.

  Buyers often require "real-time" face sheets, that is, express delivery sent on the same day, as well as summarized historical express delivery information, which are mostly organized in the form of documents. In the underground market, there is no fixed price for this information, but the real-time face sheet is more expensive, and the average market price is around 4 yuan and 1 yuan for historical information. From the afternoon of September 24th to the noon of September 25th, Gong Junshan, the seller of "materials", packaged and sold more than 500 Baishi Express noodle orders to reporters at the price of each 4 yuan. These express orders contain the names, telephone numbers, addresses and other detailed personal information of the recipients and senders, showing that the goods are clothing, and they were sent from an international trade city on September 24th.

On the afternoon of September 24th, according to the price of each 4 yuan, Gong Junshan, the seller of "materials", packaged and sold more than 500 BES express face sheets to reporters.

  On the afternoon of September 24th, according to the price of each 4 yuan, Gong Junshan, the seller of "materials", packaged and sold more than 500 BES express face sheets to reporters.

  For the source of the express delivery list for sale, Gong Junshan kept his mouth shut. He claimed that there were a number of "agents" under him, who were responsible for taking materials from the staff of the courier outlets who took photos to ensure the first-hand supply. Every day, he has hundreds to thousands of face sheets, most of which are Baishi Express, and there are also real-time express face sheets from Shentong, Zhongtong, Yunda, Postal Service and Polar Rabbit.

  The reporter noticed that most of the above-mentioned pictures of express delivery sheets sent to reporters by Gong Junshan were photos of express parcels posted with express delivery sheets, or photos of even sheets printed by the sheet printer.

YTO Express noodle list sold.

  YTO Express noodle list sold.

  On October 2nd, Gong Junshan claimed to have 343 real-time ZTO Express noodles in his hand, and sold 50 noodles to reporters at the price of each 4 yuan, among which there were many round noodles. The face sheet information shows that a merchant in Guicheng Street, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong sent different clothes to buyers all over the country, and the face sheet clearly marked the personal information of the buyers.

ZTO Express noodle list sold.

  ZTO Express noodle list sold.

  In order to find more customers, Gong Junshan also joined a "bat group" with over 500 people. App(BatChat, an app named Bat, was developed and operated by Chengdu Feibat Technology Co., Ltd., claiming to be a private chat communication tool based on "end-to-end encryption".

  The reporter observed in the group that the group took the first letter of "Express" and named it "KD- Face-to-Face Communication", which lurked a large number of users who sold and purchased various personal express information. The group owner even put the message on the top: "Receive the materials, and you can leave the group owner if you have the materials."

  "Women’s shoes, mostly with high heels, are priced in the range of 200 to 600, with a guaranteed price of 4 …" Buyers and sellers who "receive materials" in the group accurately classify transactions according to real-time and historical express information, types of express goods, prices of purchased goods, gender of express users and other conditions. For example, some specialize in receiving express information such as mother and baby, vehicle equipment, women’s shoes, food, clothing and perfume, while others specialize in receiving all male express information.

Chang Jingshan sold 10 samples to reporters at the price of 2 yuan per order, showing the user information of Shentong Express sent to buyers all over the country when he placed an order in Tik Tok store of a cosmetics company in Guangzhou, Guangdong on September 8.

  Chang Jingshan sold 10 samples to reporters at the price of 2 yuan per order, showing the user information of Shentong Express sent to buyers all over the country when he placed an order in Tik Tok store of a cosmetics company in Guangzhou, Guangdong on September 8.

  On the day of placing the order, your courier information may have been leaked.

  Another seller, Chang Jingshan, claimed to have a lot of historical and real-time express information in his hand. He sold 10 samples to reporters at the price of 2 yuan per order, showing the information of Shentong Express sent by a cosmetics company in Tik Tok on September 8 to buyers all over the country, including the name of the buyer, the type of goods purchased, the price of the goods, the express delivery number, the mobile phone number and the receiving address.

  In order to further fix the evidence, the reporter bought from Chang Jingshan again on the grounds that he needed clothes express information, and the other party immediately sent 10 Shentong express samples of down vest products placed in Tik Tok, which also included the above detailed personal information of the buyer.

In addition to selling express orders, there are also sellers who specialize in selling express orders. On the afternoon of September 29th, Sun Yiwei sold 100 samples of Shentong Express at the price of each 0.8 yuan, of which the first 50 were historical express data and the last 50 were express information sent on September 29th.

  In addition to selling express orders, there are also sellers who specialize in selling express orders. On the afternoon of September 29th, Sun Yiwei sold 100 samples of Shentong Express at the price of each 0.8 yuan, of which the first 50 were historical express data and the last 50 were express information sent on September 29th.

  In addition to selling express orders, there are also sellers who specialize in selling express orders. On the afternoon of September 29th, Sun Yiwei sold 100 samples of Shentong Express at the price of each 0.8 yuan, of which the first 50 were historical express data and the last 50 were express information sent on September 29th.

  The inquiry found that these numbers of Shentong Express were all valid, and most of them passed through Shentong Express "Jiangsu Suqian Center" and "Jiangsu Huai ‘an Transfer Center", which was suspected to be leaked in this circulation link. "It’s all 55 thousand, and there are historical single numbers within half a year." Sun Yiwei said.

  The reporter’s investigation found that sellers who sell real-time express orders tend to trade actively after 5 pm, when couriers usually start to collect pieces, and the information of electronic orders is stored in the work computer or printed and posted on the package, and the leaked user information also begins to flow in the underground market. At the same time, this means that express users often sell their sensitive information at a price after an odd number of hours.

  In order to further verify the authenticity of the courier information sold by the above-mentioned sellers, the reporter dialed the user’s phone number in the above-mentioned courier list and historical document one by one to confirm that the information was accurate, and the sellers did not know that the information had been leaked.

  In this black market, transactions are conducted in secret, and many sellers and buyers send reporters a virtual currency link, allowing reporters to pay with "U" or recharge on their behalf. The full name of "U" is Teda Coin (USDT), which is a virtual currency that links cryptocurrency with the US dollar.

  A buyer who received materials asked the reporter to download a "Huobi" App that can trade different virtual currencies, saying that this line is risky and all transactions are made in virtual currencies.

Active in the express delivery market in Bat App.

  Active in the express delivery market in Bat App.

  "I handle tens of thousands of real-time express messages every day."

  Gong Junshan told reporters that people in the circle understand what buyers use to do, saying that it is "marketing drainage" for e-commerce businesses, but in fact it is "telecom network fraud". The reporter’s investigation also confirmed that many courier information circulating in the market was suspected to be used by criminals engaged in telecommunication network fraud.

  According to the aforementioned ZTO Express single number sold by Gong Junshan, the reporter contacted Lu Yi who was almost defrauded.

  Lu Yi, from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, told reporters that after shopping, she received a phone call claiming to be "ZTO Express", and the other party said that the loss of express delivery required her to apply for compensation through the claims channel. After scanning the QR code, the page jumped to the Alipay interface. After opening the payment step by step according to the requirements, she was told that due to excessive application for payment, the credit problem of Alipay account would be caused, and I need to go to Hangzhou West Lake Building to handle it. If I don’t go, I will bear the consequences.

  At this time, Lu Yi suspected that the other party might be a liar, and she lived in Hangzhou. She was not afraid to go to the West Lake Building to handle the relevant formalities if there was a credit problem, so she stopped the dialogue with ZTO Express. A few days later, she received the "lost" courier.

  Xia Hang is a middleman who specializes in collecting materials for express delivery. He told reporters that there are tens of thousands of real-time express messages delivered by him every day, which are basically collected from couriers and staff of express delivery companies at the price of each 4 yuan, and then sold to the "studio" at home. He said that most of the online acquisition of express delivery "materials" are middlemen, which supply materials for "studios". These "studios" are not studios in the traditional sense, but gangs specializing in telecommunication network fraud. When purchasing express delivery information, the next family claimed to use it for telemarketing, which drained the marketing of e-commerce platform, and some directly said that it was telecom network fraud.

  Zhu Yi, who claimed to be engaged in telecommunication network fraud, told reporters that the so-called "studio" is a gang specializing in telecommunication network fraud. The "studio" has people in charge of finance, people who make phone calls, and people who dock resources (receive express delivery materials). He is the person who "receives materials" in China. At noon or afternoon the next day after receiving the goods, the "studio" will pay the money after checking the goods and confirming that the information is correct. He also told reporters that we should communicate and chat on "Bat", trade with "U", and delete the chat messages after the chat.

  I wish the first generation told reporters that the breakdown of express delivery "materials" according to the purchased goods can improve the success rate of fraud. They are generally called "conversion rate". Among the goods such as shoes, bags, liquor, clothing, cosmetics, and mothers and babies, mothers and babies are "easy to use", which means "easy to cheat" in common parlance. People who receive "materials" in the market prefer maternal and infant express information, and the price is higher. He can buy the express delivery information of maternal and infant products, and 4 yuan one of clothing, shoes and bags at the price of 5 yuan one.

  "You should not be sent by the public security bureau ‘ Spy ’ Right? " Zhou Chen, who claimed to be engaged in telecommunication network fraud in northern Myanmar, told reporters after repeated probing that as long as the information is authentic, the low "conversion rate" is fine.

  "I was cheated of 160,000 yuan in 30 minutes."

  The reporter’s investigation found that obtaining personal express information through illegal channels is often the first step of telecommunication network fraud. After obtaining personal courier information, fraudsters will pretend to be "courier company customer service" or "courier brother" and "fish" in different ways. Common things such as "lost package, claim by courier company", "damaged goods, contact for refund", "sending a return link, and taking personal information".

  Among the different fraud methods, the fraud methods of "lost courier" and "customer service initiative refund" are mostly used.

  According to the information reported by the police in the past, most of these cases are fraudsters who obtain the online shopping information of the victims through illegal channels and pretend to be customer service to call the victims, claiming that their online shopping goods were lost or had quality problems during transportation, which can help the victims to handle multiple refunds. When the victim believes the scammer lightly, the scammer will send a phishing website link to the victim to trick the victim into entering identity information, bank card information and verification code on the webpage and transfer the money in the victim’s bank card.

  On September 23rd, a video released by Weibo user "Yang Keai Ukulele" attracted attention. In the video, she claimed that she had been cheated by telecom and was induced by a swindler to transfer 160,000 yuan to the other party within 30 minutes. The swindler falsely claimed that "the lost courier should be given to double indemnity" and accurately reported her name and courier number on the courier list on the phone, which made her relax her vigilance.

  In an interview with The Paper, Yang Keai recalled in detail the process of being cheated.

  She said that on September 17th, she received a phone call from a landline that showed Hong Kong. On the phone, the other party claimed to be the "customer service" of Shentong Express. A courier she bought at Tmall Import Supermarket was accidentally lost, and the courier company would double indemnity her. Then the other party told her a courier number and the pseudonym she left on the courier.

  She said that after verifying that the information was correct, she trusted the other party and began to apply for 180 yuan Express claims in Alipay’s "petty cash" under the guidance of "customer service". The other party said that due to operational errors, the petty cash application became 500 yuan, which led to a loan relationship with Alipay. In order to cancel the loan relationship, the express "customer service" asked her to download an App called "Yilian Meeting" to join the meeting and contact a staff member who claimed to be the official customer service of Alipay. The "official customer service" said that her Alipay Sesame credit score was insufficient and she needed to transfer 180,000 yuan to the designated account for credit guarantee, so she transferred a total of 160,000 yuan from several bank cards under her name to the designated account under the guidance of the customer service. "Customer Service" asked her to continue to borrow 20,000 yuan from her friend to make up the credit line of 180,000 yuan. At this time, her friend found that she was cheated and accompanied her to the public security bureau to report the case.

  Yang Keai recalled afterwards that during the fraud, she received three different phone calls from scammers, all of which were shown as landline calls from Hong Kong, but she did not find anything unusual at that time. Two days later, she received this "lost piece" courier, and the courier status was normal. In this regard, she complained to Tmall’s official customer service and Shentong Express respectively. Tmall responded that the matter was not handled by it. After contacting it, Shentong Express staff said that they needed to ask for instructions from their superiors and had not received the latest reply.

  She said that in September this year, the police had issued a notice of filing the case and filed a case for investigation.

  (Gong Junshan, Chang Jingshan, Sun Yiwei, Xia Hang, Zhu Yidai and Zhou Chen are pseudonyms)

Putin’s "Opposite Play" with Five American Leaders

  Author: Xiang Changhe, a scholar of international issues

  Recently, the leaders of the two major countries, the United States and Russia, have been "on the bar" again. The first to stir up trouble is the newly appointed US President Biden, who openly called Russian President Putin a "killer" in an interview with the media. It is extremely rare for the president of one country to publicly call the president of another country a "killer".

  Russia reacted strongly. Putin responded with words: "I wish him good health!" Chairman of the Russian State Duma issued a statement: "Putin is our president, and attacking him is an attack on our country." Russia recalled its ambassador to the United States-the last time Russia recalled its ambassador to the United States was when the West launched an air strike against Iraq in 1998.

  The confrontation between Putin and the new president of the United States seems to indicate the beginning of a new round of resentment drama. Since he came to power at the turn of the century, Putin has been in charge of Russia for more than 20 years, and has fought against five American presidents, including Clinton, George W. Bush, who fought two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Obama, who advocated a "nuclear-free world", Trump and Biden, who claimed to have been friends with Putin for a long time. Putin’s "opponents" with these American presidents are ups and downs, which can completely shoot Hollywood hit dramas for several seasons.

  The most impressive scene of Putin VS Clinton is Clinton’s visit to Russia. A few months after Putin came to power, Clinton, at the end of his term, paid a three-day visit to Russia. Putin and Clinton met and had dinner in the Kremlin, and they had a long informal conversation. Later, Putin invited Clinton to visit his office and lounge, and attended a concert at the Kremlin Theatre. Formally speaking, the two are very close. Putin said that he had established a "good working relationship and personal relationship" with Clinton, but in the end, the two sides failed to achieve a "breakthrough" on the key issue of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. This is indeed a great pity for Clinton, who is in the final stage of his presidency.

  Putin and George W. Bush are strangers, and "soul dialogue" is a classic scene that is often mentioned from both positive and negative aspects. At the beginning of taking office, George W. Bush, who was still a novice in diplomacy, gave Putin a scare: expelling 50 Russian diplomats for espionage. However, the turning point happened unexpectedly. In June 2001, Putin and George W. Bush met for the first time in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Putin told the story of a cross: Putin’s mother left him a wooden cross, and then his home caught fire, and all other things were burned out, except this cross. George W. Bush, who was deeply religious, was moved and made his famous remark at the press conference after the meeting: "Looking directly into Putin’s eyes, I can feel his soul. He is a trustworthy person. "

  A few months later, when the "September 11th Incident" broke out, George W. Bush received a phone call from Putin aboard Air Force One. Putin was the first foreign head of state to call after the terrorist attack. After that, Russia supported the United States to start the war in Afghanistan, including allowing the United States to use Russian airspace. In return, on November 14th, 2001, Mr. and Mrs. Putin were invited to visit Bush’s private ranch in Texas. Since the new century, the best friend between Putin and George W. Bush has been the highest time in the interaction between US and Russian leaders. During George W. Bush’s eight years in power, he held more than 30 bilateral meetings with Putin, and Russia-US relations also gained substantial results. Russia and the United States signed a new Treaty on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms, and a mechanism dialogue was also launched between Russia and NATO.

  Putin and Obama didn’t look at each other at all. The most typical example was the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landing in 2014. Obama didn’t even want to get too close to Putin when taking photos with him. When Obama came to power, Putin was nominally prime minister, and the White House tried to "restart" US-Russian relations by bypassing Putin. This seems to have worked for a time-signing a civil nuclear agreement and ratifying a new nuclear disarmament treaty. However, the good times did not last long. After Putin regained the presidency in 2012, he first provided shelter to Snowden, the "Prism Gate" exposer, and then publicly challenged the West in the Ukrainian crisis and incorporated Crimea into Russia without bloodshed. Obama led the expulsion of Russia from the Group of Eight, wooed western allies to impose sanctions on Russia, and the two sides fought proxy war endlessly in Syria.

  Before Trump entered the White House, he expressed his appreciation and admiration to Putin from a distance, but until the end of Trump’s term, he failed to turn the "heroes cherish each other" between private individuals into a warm relationship between Russia and the United States. From the day he entered the White House, the sword of Damocles, "TongRumen", tossed Trump badly, not only damaging many main generals, but also suffering from impeachment. American public opinion has always suspected that Trump and Russia are tricky, and even the overtime talks with President Putin are suspected of "treason". Therefore, in order to avoid suspicion, Trump never fulfilled his promise to engage in a "Pute meeting" on American soil, but also expelled Russian diplomats and sealed up consulates, deliberately showing toughness towards Russia. In the past four years, the United States has expanded its sanctions against Russia, from Ukraine to Syria, to chemical weapons to "Beixi -2", and there is a feeling of overcorrection.

  The feud between Putin and Biden has been going on for years-Biden famously said that the soul could not be seen through Putin’s eyes when he visited Russia as the vice president of the United States 10 years ago. Obviously, Biden borrowed the stem of George W. Bush to show his attitude of "not catching a cold" towards Russia. A few days after he took office in the White House, Biden "fired shots" on relations with Russia-"We are very worried about their behavior …" A day later, Biden and Putin made the first phone call, which once again strengthened this position. Recently, in addition to personal attacks on Putin, the United States announced at the government level that it would impose sanctions on all entities involved in the "Beixi -2" project.

  In short, the "war of words" between Biden and Putin means the beginning of a new round of strategic game between the United States and Russia, and the following story may be wonderful.

[Editor in charge:
Sun Xiao

Prospect of domestic high-end breakthrough new energy vehicles at Shanghai Auto Show

◆ Jietu X70S EV

   New car features:The appearance of the new car is basically the same as the fuel version.

  A few days ago, we obtained the declaration information of Jietu X70 EV model from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The appearance of the new car is basically the same as that of the fuel version, and the charging port is placed at the front of the car. According to previous information, the car will be unveiled at the Shanghai Auto Show and will be officially launched for sale in mid-2019.

Home of the car

Jietu X70 EV declaration map

  According to the declaration chart of this exposure, there is little difference between the new car as a whole and the fuel version, and the design style officially called "Huizhou City Leader" is still adopted. The air intake grille is decorated with horizontal chrome trim strips and frames, and is connected with the headlights on both sides and integrated with each other, stretching the visual width of the front face. It is understood that the center of the front grille is a charging port, which is divided into fast charging and slow charging.

Home of the car

Home of the car

"Previously exposed test spy photos"

  The tail shape of the new car is relatively simple, and the slender taillight group is integrated with LED light source, and the "X70 EV" logo is on the lower right corner of the tailgate to show its identity. In addition, a large area of white tailgate is surrounded by black at the bottom, and it is equipped with two exhaust decorations on both sides, which looks good.

Home of the car

"Previously exposed test spy photos"

  In terms of interior, according to the previous interior spy photos, the overall design of the new car is obviously different from the fuel version. Specifically, the car is equipped with a three-spoke multifunctional flat-bottomed steering wheel, but the mechanical instrument panel is an independent gun barrel style, with an independent floating touch screen in the central control area and an air conditioning control panel and knob below. In addition, the pure electric version is equipped with a knob-type electronic gear lever, which is more advanced overall.

Home of the car

Jietu X70 EV declaration map

  In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4750/1910/1710mm respectively, and its wheelbase is 2745mm. In terms of configuration, in the future, according to different models, it will provide LED headlights, panoramic sunroof, front camera, rear camera, front radar, B/C column black film, black glass and so on. In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a model TZ230XS45FD drive motor produced by Shanghai Automotive Electric Drive Co., Ltd., with a maximum power of 170 HP (125 kW). The power battery pack is equipped with a lithium iron phosphate battery pack produced by Hefei Guoxuan Hi-Tech Power Energy Co., Ltd.

  Editor’s comment:Jietu is Chery’s latest sub-brand, which is targeted at young people or families with two children. In the future, MPV and new energy vehicles will be launched in addition to SUVs. Jetway X70 EV will be the brand’s first pure electric vehicle, and its appearance is not much different from that of the fuel version of Jetway X70. If the 7-seat layout of the fuel version can be continued, there are not many vehicles with similar positioning in the field of electric vehicles. Netizens who are concerned about the pure electric 7-seat SUV can look forward to this car.

◆ Qingyuan Xiao Zun/Zun Zun

   New car features:The new car looks avant-garde; As a mini-car, Xiaozun has a comprehensive endurance of 400km and adopts a three-door and four-seat layout.

  A few days ago, we learned from the official of Qingyuan Automobile that it will build a family product name with the word "Zun" as the core. It is understood that its two exposed models are officially named Qingyuan Xiaozun and Qingyuan Zun. Among them, Qingyuan Xiaozun is positioned as a miniature pure electric vehicle, and Qingyuan Zun is positioned as a medium-sized pure electric vehicle. Both models will be officially unveiled at the Shanghai Auto Show held on April 16th.

Home of the car

  According to official information, Qingyuan Xiaozun has a body size of 3400/1695/1560mm and a wheelbase of 2250mm, and will adopt a layout of three doors and four seats. The overall design of the car body tends to be simple and full of science and technology, and the design of the closed middle net on the front face is also in line with the characteristics of electric vehicles. In terms of power, the car will use a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a maximum torque of 120N·m, and the battery will adopt a modular design. The official NEDC comprehensive cruising range can reach 400km.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  As for Qingyuan Venerable, the official did not provide configuration information. Judging from the official map, the overall design of the car has a strong sense of science and technology. The long and narrow light strip above the front face LOGO extends the visual width of the front. The spoiler design of the lower part of the front face and the side skirt creates a strong offensive through the use of broken lines, and the front windshield is very inclined and streamlined. In addition, the narrow taillights at the rear of the car echo the lights on the front face, and the raised section at the rear also enhances the three-dimensional sense.

  Editor’s comment:Judging from the official map, the designs of Qingyuan’s two models are very avant-garde. Especially this car, Xiaozun, seems to have a very high degree of completion at present. The eye-catching place of this car is not only the appearance, but also the performance of comprehensive cruising range, reaching 400km, which is not easy for a miniature pure electric vehicle.

◆ Summary of the full text: Some China brands are breaking through to the high end in the field of electric vehicles.

   In addition to the new energy vehicles introduced above, we understand that there are also some concept vehicles that will be exhibited at the Shanghai Auto Show, namelyZero run C-moreNissan IMs concept carAudi AI:me concept carKarma Vision pure electric concept car and a new car developed in cooperation with PininfarinaDazhong ID. ROOMZZWait. Due to the limited information received, we will make an in-depth report for you after the exhibition begins.

  Through the preview of this Shanghai Auto Show, we can find that China brand vehicles occupy a large proportion in the field of new energy vehicles. Among these enterprises, some car companies are marching into high-end areas that have not been touched in the fuel car market, such as the sports car of ARCFOX, a subsidiary of BAIC New Energy, and the Han of BYD. In contrast, there are not many mass-produced new energy vehicles unveiled by international brands, but there are also some bright spots, such as (|), Audi Q2L e-tron and buick VELITE 6 pure electric version. In a word, there are many participating models in the new energy field at this Shanghai Auto Show, and the competition is fierce. (Text/car home Hu Yongbin)

Pre-sale of the movie Life Unlimited Company leads Mayday: Excited and nervous.

  BEIJING, Beijing, May 18 (Xinhua) On the 17th, Mayday’s latest concert movie "Mayday Life Unlimited Company" held its premiere in Beijing. After the premiere, director Chen Yiren, Mayday Monster, Stone, Martha, Guan You and A Xin appeared to exchange their feelings with the audience.

  The movie Mayday Life Unlimited Company is starring Monster (Wen Shangyi), Stone (Shi Jinhang), Martha (Cai Shengyan), Guan You (Guanyou Liu) and A Xin (Ashin), with Bo Huang and Tony Leung Ka Fai as special stars. The film reproduces the essence of 122 concerts on May Day and will be released on May 24th.

  During the interview, when asked who had the best acting skills among several members, the members all pointed to the head monster. When talking about Bo Huang and Tony Leung Ka Fai, director Chen Yiren praised their acting skills as "ever-changing".

  A Xin even bluntly said: "Teacher Bo Huang is not only an excellent actor, director and singer, but also personally came to the Bird’s Nest to sing with us this time. Thank you very much for joining us." And Tony Leung Ka Fai’s earnest and responsible attitude at the scene also made the band members admire him. "When he can have a rest, he is still helping us to play. He is really an admirable elder brother and elder.".

  It is reported that in order to bring the audience the ultimate viewing experience, the crew exhausted their efforts in shooting, editing, post-production, sound production, etc., and overcame many obstacles: during the concert shooting, the number of seats was up to 25, and the shuttle remote control car and BOLT electric arm were changed. In sound production, the top team in Hollywood is used, and the sound of 64 channels is carefully set, striving to create a wonderful immersive audio-visual feast for all audiences; In terms of film format, the team strives to give the audience more choices, and goes to South Korea to produce 4DX and ScreenX formats to make the picture more complete and shocking.

  Since the first performance in Beijing in 2004, Mayday has performed 11 performances in the Bird’s Nest Stadium, creating a miracle with hundreds of thousands of fans and becoming the record holder. Not only that, the pre-sale box office of movies has also been leading all the way since its opening, and now it ranks first at the box office of the same period. In this regard, the band members said that they were "both excited and nervous, grateful to all their friends for their support, and grateful to everyone for their willingness to join Life Unlimited Company".

  It is worth mentioning that "Life Unlimited Company" presents the grand occasion of more than 4 million fans partying together in the film. Mayday said that the significance of filming this film is as a gift for fans, "so that more people can see Mayday, and they don’t have to go to one city after another, as long as they are in the cinema near home, they can party with Mayday." (End)

People’s survey: "Search engine" Baidu is dead? Draw the ground as a prison and shake the cornerstone of the Internet.

  Recently, an article "Baidu, a search engine, is dead" has aroused social concern. Because it involves the question of whether a search engine with public attributes can give priority to its own 100-number, the parties, the media and netizens hold their own opinions. On January 23, Baidu responded that it had a clear conscience. After keyword comparison, in addition to Baidu, sogou, 360 and other search engines are also giving priority to recommending their own products. In this regard, experts say that when an enterprise is in the leading position in the industry, it must have greater social responsibility and responsibility. The search service makes the service a "private garden", which does not meet the needs of public interests, nor does it meet the basic requirements of the Network Security Law and the Regulations on the Administration of Internet Information Services. Some experts even pointed out that Baidu’s problems actually exist in many large Internet platforms. In order to maintain their dominant position in the market, they are "painting the land as a prison", guiding themselves within the platform, selectively shielding competitors, and rejecting the free crawling of third-party search engine content. This behavior is shaking the fundamental cornerstone of the Internet.

  Baidu search leads traffic to its own products and attracts all parties to vomit.

  The article "Baidu, the search engine, is dead" says: Recently, more than half of the results seen on the first page of Baidu search will point to Baidu’s own products, especially its self-media platform "Baijiahao", which is all-inclusive, but the quality is worrying. Baidu is no longer the entrance to explore the Chinese Internet, and it can be renamed as "Search in Baijiahao Station".

  The article caused a lot of resonance, and netizen Su Zerui said: "I basically don’t use Baidu myself, and the search information is too messy and inefficient. In the era of traffic, Baidu has the right to selectively provide users with search content to expand their traffic, but users will also measure whether to continue to use Baidu, and other search industries will also take the opportunity. " Some media people left a message saying that after their articles were forwarded by others, the search presented only 100-number content, and their websites could not enjoy the content traffic bonus at all. There are also hundreds of authors who believe that the platform audit is more stringent. Because of the presence of traditional media and official institutions, the quality is relatively reliable, and the products such as WeChat and Taobao are compared and evaluated. "Baidu without login is far more open than its peers."

  On the 23rd, Baidu responded that Baijiahao is an important measure to improve the ecological experience of Baidu APP content. At present, in Baidu search results, Baijiahao content accounts for less than 10% of the whole site. At the Baijiahao 2019 Content Creator Festival held on the same day, Baidu’s vice president Shen Shai said "with a clear conscience": "In the PC era, Baidu could access the content of any website without any obstacles on the standard browser, but in the era of mobile Internet, many contents were blocked in the APP, which made access more difficult, so we launched Baijiahao and Baidu smart applets, hoping to reverse this situation." At present, the daily activity of Baidu APP has reached 160 million, the average daily recommendation of information flow has exceeded 15 billion, and the number of Baijiahao content creators has exceeded 1.9 million.

  In fact, ordinary netizens search for information in the hope of getting the most accurate and authoritative information, and it is best to present what they are looking for in the headlines of the search results. Therefore, Baidu’s argument that "the whole site accounts for less than 10%" can’t hide the fact that the search experience is weakened while avoiding talking about the search results "the proportion of top 100 pages".

  "News" Changed to "Information" Baidu’s "Enclosure" Transformation

  On the 25th, it was reported that Baidu fine-tuned the search engine and directly covered the website. The search results of information no longer included the website address, but used the name of the media instead. In other words, netizens can’t directly tell whether the search results are from websites or Baijia numbers. As commented in the cnBeta report: "The search result without the webpage address will make users need to open the link to see which website it comes from, which adds some inconvenience, as shown in the following figure, when searching for ‘ Huawei ’ When the keywords are used, it is completely unclear whether it is the content of the external site or the content stored in Baidu itself. "

  Although the search weight of Baijiahao is improved due to "ranking by high-quality content", Baidu as a platform still cannot completely check, and there are problems of plagiarism and even mistakes in the media. For example, in 2018, the "acid-base physique theory scam" was exposed. When searching for the keyword "acid physique" with Baidu, the first five pages in the information column "sorted by focus" were all hundred-number content, and the article "Acid physique is the source of all diseases?" The most frightening health rumor in 2018 is transferred to the elderly at home. It is a self-media number named "Focus on Meteorological Information Tracking" and does not indicate the source of the article. According to the reporter’s search, this article is actually a manuscript published by WeChat WeChat official account of Health Times on January 15th. In other words, Baidu information ranked first in a manuscript copied from Health Times by the media. At the same time, the search ranked fifth, "Don’t want to have a son with acidic constitution, expectant mothers should bid farewell to these bad habits!" "I am still making a fuss about this fallacy.

  Looking back on the whole incident, this should be inseparable from the transformation of Baidu’s content platform. In 2016, Baidu launched Baijia. In August 2018, the "Baidu News" column in Baidu search was quietly changed to "Baidu Information", and the search results also changed significantly, from the original presentation results based on portals and traditional media to the results based on hundreds of numbers. At that time, there was a self-media evaluation saying that "Baidu raised the weight of Baijiahao to the same position as traditional media. Baijiahao will grow rapidly and is likely to become the largest self-media platform. "

  In July 2017, Baidu launched a new search APP "Simple Search", and Li Yanhong once introduced that "Simple Search will never put advertisements in search results". However, this refreshing search engine is only available in mobile phone. That is to say, in Baidu’s logic, PC users can only silently endure advertisements, a lot of self-media information and such consequences — — You think you’re logging in to the vast Internet, but it’s actually just Baidu’s desktop client.

  In 2018, Baidu’s revenue exceeded 100 billion, and Li Yanhong announced a 24-word Baidu vision: to become the world’s top high-tech company that understands users best and can help people grow. In an open letter to the inside, he said, "When Baidu started in Zhongguancun 19 years ago, our goal was very clear, that is, to make a search engine that users really felt easy to use … …”

  19 years have passed, and Baidu, which hopes to "know users best", has obviously deviated from its original heart.

  The public knows that WeChat can only search for WeChat official account articles and Taobao can only search for Taobao goods, but the public doesn’t know that Baidu is almost the only one in Baidu.

  Search engines should put public welfare and service in the first place.

  In the relevant survey launched by Sina Technology, as of 15: 00 on January 30th, 14,917 people participated. In the question "What do you think of Baidu search?", a total of 38.63% people chose the positive evaluation of "very useful" and "easy to use". 38.99% people chose "difficult to use" and "very difficult to use". 49.61% of people said that "they will continue to use Baidu search". According to the survey, Baidu ranks first in the question of "which search engines do you usually use", accounting for 46.81%, followed by Google (19.13%), sogou (10.14%), 360(10.09%), Bing Bing(10.15%) and others (3.68%).

  Users don’t just want to see Baidu’s own products, but want to enter the vast Chinese Internet space through Baidu search. No matter how unique a product is, it is not as colorful as it is, which is also the meaning of search engines. Because users have such expectations, Baidu’s "enclosure" adjustment will lead to the controversy of "public attributes".

  So does the public expect too much from the search engine itself? Under the same keyword, the reporter looked up the "website" and "information" of Baidu search computer and the top ten articles of Baidu client, most of which were Baidu’s own products. In the top ten results of Bing Bing, the presentation of each website is relatively balanced. About one third of sogou search’s results are home-grown content, such as Sogou Encyclopedia, Sohu, sogou wise doctor and sogou Ask. Among the 360 search results, 360 Encyclopedia, Fast Information and secondary search, pictures, videos and good doctors are highly recommended. The results show that, besides Baidu, other search engines also tend to recommend their own content products. This will inevitably lead people who access information through these search engines to give priority to their own products, rather than fair recommendations based on "website PR value" or "effectiveness". Once these home information has low quality or even other problems, it is inevitable for the public to avoid it imperceptibly.

  On January 2, the National Internet Information Office instructed the Beijing Internet Information Office to talk to the relevant person in charge of Baidu about the spread of vulgar information and serious damage to the ecology of online public opinion in some products and channels of Baidu, and ordered it to be rectified immediately and comprehensively. During the rectification period, Baidu Mobile Web Edition, Baidu News Client Recommended Channel, Baidu APP Woman Channel, Funny Channel and Emotional Channel were suspended for one week from 15: 00 on January 3rd. At that time, the relevant person in charge of Baidu said that it would strictly implement the interview requirements of the network information department, run the network according to law, earnestly fulfill the main responsibility, and strengthen the ecological governance of the network.

  In response to this "Baidu" incident, the reporter interviewed industry experts.An expert who asked not to be named commented: "Why did Baidu do this? Is there a deeper reason? For example, in the PC era, search was Internet information navigation. Now, in the mobile APP era, search can’t be found, and major platforms do ‘ No. ’ , introduced the content into their respective ecosystems. In fact, Baidu has its helplessness. This helplessness began when he made Baijia and Xiongzhang. " Does the information barrier of each platform exist? The reporter searched for some original self-media content such as headline number, WeChat WeChat official account, Penguin number, UC Big Fish number, Netease number and Sohu number, and found that it was really difficult for Baidu search to find the original link smoothly. Fang Xingdong, the founder of and the chairman of Internet Lab, expressed his views in the Global Times: In recent years, with the increasingly fierce competition among platforms with strong user groups and content production capacity such as WeChat, Weibo, Taobao, Today Headline and Tik Tok, we have observed a trend — — In order to maintain their dominant position in the market, various platforms are "painting the ground as a prison" one after another, guiding themselves within the platform, selectively shielding competitors, and rejecting the free crawling of third-party search engine content. This behavior is shaking the fundamental cornerstone of the Internet.

  Lei Xia, an associate researcher at the Institute of Journalism and Communication of China Academy of Social Sciences, said that in the new media era, one of the most important ways for people to get information is through online search, and Baidu search is a search engine with high user dependence. Therefore, the sense of social responsibility is necessary and primary, and it is necessary to push accurate and worth pushing information to everyone. But what kind of information is accurate and worth pushing? First, the information itself has a strong certainty to avoid false information; Second, whether the imported number is 100 or not, it should be based on the recommendation of algorithm basis and user needs, rather than advertising import for profit purposes; Third, it is convenient and direct, instead of users screening a lot of relevant information; Fourth, search engines, in a sense, are equivalent to the entrance to the Internet, and cannot only push hundreds of numbers and cause traffic interception to other websites. When an enterprise is in the leading position in the industry, it must have greater social responsibility and responsibility.

  Professor Cao Peixin, Ph.D. in Communication and Communication University of China, believes that this incident shows that Baidu, as an influential communication organization, overemphasizes economic attributes and ignores public attributes (such as truthfulness, objectivity and service) and political attributes (advocating honesty and trustworthiness). Therefore, we should reflect on how to continuously improve the management system and regulations of new media organizations such as Baidu, so as to urge them to better balance the relationship among the three attributes.

  Huang Chuxin, director and researcher of the Journalism Research Office of the Institute of Journalism and Communication, China Academy of Social Sciences, said that based on the relationship between users and search engine service providers, since Baidu uses search engines to increase web page hits and earn high advertising fees, it is obliged to provide users with safer and more efficient search engine services; The content on Baijiahao lacks the supervision of gatekeepers, and a large number of false and harmful information is filled with it, which harms the interests of consumers. This will have two consequences. One is that the false and harmful information of Baijiahao will damage social order and hinder the construction of "clear and clear" cyberspace; On the other hand, it is also a kind of damage to Baidu’s image. In the network world, search engine is an important basic project of cultural exchange and communication, so public welfare and service should be put in the first place. Specifically speaking, there should be no "tendentiousness" in the process of users’ use, and factors involving their own commercial interests cannot make a splash in this process. Relevant departments should standardize and coordinate information collection, software development and search mechanism setting, and establish a universal, reasonable and standardized network information resource search system as soon as possible. It is understood that as early as 2002, the United States and European Union countries have promoted the fairness and objectivity of search engines in the form of industry norms and regulations, and formed a complete industry standard.

  From the perspective of social management, if we only give priority to recommending self-media content to the public, it will affect the vocal effect of mainstream media. Some self-media organizations, represented by Baijiahao, are unable to correctly identify the authenticity of a news event due to the lack of good media literacy and lack of supervision, and its harm is obvious. In the long run, it will inevitably lead to the inefficiency or even ineffectiveness of mainstream public opinion guidance, reduce the credibility of the government, and weaken the guidance of mainstream media to public opinion. Due to the long-term lack of supervision from the government and enterprises, Baijiahao has been flooded with various chaos such as plagiarism from the media. On the one hand, this situation harms the economic interests of the original author, on the other hand, it encourages the unhealthy trend of plagiarism and manuscript washing, and discourages the creative enthusiasm of many original content producers.

  Wang Sixin, deputy dean and professor of the School of Politics and Law, Communication University of China, said that for anyone who uses it, the search engine is an information window that leads him to knowledge, the unknown and the outside world, and it is an aggregation platform of information and values. As the largest search service provider in China, it is a legal obligation for service providers to let Internet users get accurate, objective, comprehensive and authoritative information services with the help of search services, and it is also a basic requirement put forward by the state, society and users. Search engines should pay more attention to their public service functions. If we introduce the "fat water" of search service into our own "one acre and three points" in various ways for our own personal gain, it has seriously deviated from the "avenue" that search service should take.

  Secondly, the search service crawls, aggregates and classifies the information in cyberspace through its own technology, and then distributes it according to the needs of users. It is doomed that search service providers should treat the information products and content provided by any third party in cyberspace fairly and fairly in an objective manner. If the search service takes advantage of its own technology and platform, takes advantage of people’s trust in the search service, and takes advantage of its dominant position in the market to sell its own content directly or in disguise, it is equivalent to being both an athlete and a referee, which violates basic procedural justice.

  Third, although the search service does not directly provide information services, it has a pre-existing and implicit decision on what kind of information users can access, and it is the guide and foundation for users to seek, accept and spread all kinds of information. In this case, the search service should meet the basic requirements of laws and ethics for information content, and stress political orientation and socialist core values. The search service makes the service a "private garden", which does not meet the basic requirements of the Network Security Law and the Regulations on the Administration of Internet Information Services.

  The Regulations on the Administration of Internet Information Search Services issued by the National Internet Information Office clearly requires: "Internet information search service providers shall provide objective, fair and authoritative search results, and shall not harm national interests, public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations".

  General Secretary of the Supreme Leader said that interconnection is the essence of the Internet, cyberspace is the common spiritual home of hundreds of millions of people, and every participant has the obligation to make this spiritual home better. The practice of "adding a plug" to the search list damages people’s sense of happiness and gain in using the Internet, corrupts the atmosphere of cyberspace, and does not conform to the relevant provisions of national laws. Regulators, service providers and users should make concerted efforts to change this situation.

Original Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki broke up after less than two years of marriage, and now their situation is very different.

On June 27th, 2022, an explosive news hit the headlines of hot search: Song Joong Ki applied to break up!

As soon as the news came out, countless netizens lamented their bodies. Why did golden couple, a double-song CP, suddenly break up?

As foreign stars that Chinese people love very much, Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo are the most eye-catching couples in the entertainment circle.

A "Descendants of the Sun" attracted numerous audiences. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women always makes people feel extraordinarily beautiful.

However, after less than two years of marriage, I have come to the day of parting ways.

Even, just applying, I can’t wait to announce the news before I finish the breakup procedure!

It serves to show Song Joong Ki’s determination to break up.

Although the reason for breaking up is not stated, according to the foreign break-up policy, "the person responsible for breaking up the marriage relationship is not allowed to apply for breaking up."

In other words, the fault party in marriage is not Song Joong Ki who broke up.

At that time, people who eat melons poured into Song Hye Kyo with their remarks, slanders and accusations.

Now, three years after breaking up, their situation is completely different.


In February 2016, Descendants of the Sun, starring Song Hye Kyo Song Joong Ki, was broadcast on domestic video websites.

Needless to say, Song Hye Kyo is very familiar to the audience in China, and she has attracted a large number of China fans with popular idol dramas such as Blue Life and Death Love, Romantic Room and Love Hotel.

Song Joong Ki, on the other hand, is quite strange to many China audiences.

Before Descendants of the Sun, the role that Song Joong Ki was most familiar to China audiences was the wolf boy who couldn’t see clearly and was dirty in the 2012 movie Wolf Boy.

After Wolf Boy, Song Joong Ki joined the army for two years, and received Descendants of the Sun, which was almost tailor-made for him.

In this legionary teleplay, he is a handsome army captain in military uniform and sunglasses, and he has written a love song for the military camp from acquaintance to love with a female doctor Jiang Muyan, who is one year older than him.

The TV series is popular, and many people have become their CP fans.

In reality, Song Hye Kyo is four years older than Song Joong Ki.

When the drama was being hit, Shuangsong joined hands in fashion activities. When interviewed, Song Joong Ki could not help but put his hand on Song Hye Kyo’s shoulder, which was natural and casual.

When Song Hye Kyo answered the question, Song Joong Ki’s eyes were glued to her, and she never moved for a second.

The love in my eyes is vividly portrayed.

In June, Song Joong Ki held a fan meeting in Chengdu and invited Song Hye Kyo to attend.

The two people at the scene answered questions about the scenes with tacit understanding and the interaction was very sweet.

Two months later, Song Hye Kyo gave a lot of desserts and milk tea to Song Joong Ki’s new play Warship Island, but they didn’t directly admit whether they were in love or not.

During this period, Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki were photographed together at the airport many times, and even photographed together for a trip to Bali in June 2017.

At that time, Song Hye Kyo’s brokerage company claimed that she was planning to shoot; Song Joong Ki’s company said that he was going to promote the movie "Warship Island".

Despite being photographed staying in the same hotel, the two brokerage companies denied it together.

Less than a month after the denial, Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki jointly issued a good news statement, saying that they would get married in three months.

On October 31st, Shuangsong held a grand wedding at Silla Hotel in Seoul, a foreign capital.

Silla Hotel, the real name property of princess royal Lifu of Samsung Group, including the weddings of many stars such as Zhang Dongjian and Gianna Jun, was chosen here.

Song Hye Kyo’s good friend and old partner, Zhang Ziyi, also attended the wedding of Shuangsong.

In addition to Zhang Ziyi, Park Bo Gum played the piano at the wedding, Lee Kwang Soo Yoo Ah In read the letter, Ji-seob So, Kim Hee Seon, Zo In Sung and other popular stars were all present.

The wedding gathered all the big stars in China and South Korea, and the lineup was as luxurious as a film festival.

It’s just a pity that the luxury of a wedding has never been related to the happiness of a marriage.

On July 22nd, 2022, Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki officially broke up, and their marriage lasted only 604 days.

Some people say that Song Joong Ki is Song Hye Kyo’s little brother. Fan filter to bring them together; After the idol disenchanted, they separated again.


When I received Descendants of the Sun, it was the low point of Song Hye Kyo’s career.

Song Hye Kyo, born in 1981, has natural double eyelids, a pout and a baby face. She is a rare beauty abroad who is not made by the whole.

At the age of 15, Song Hye Kyo, who was 161, took part in the model contest and won the first prize. Since then, she has signed a contract with a brokerage company and made her official debut.

At the age of 17, Song Hye Kyo starred in the long comedy Shunfeng Obstetrics and Gynecology, and she played Wu Huijiao, the youngest daughter of the hero’s family.

Wu Huijiao is rebellious, loves dressing up but doesn’t like studying, and often makes her parents angry. She is a very lively role.

Although this is Song Hye Kyo’s second film and television role since she joined the industry, her role name, which is highly similar to her real name, and the hit TV series, made her instantly memorable.

At the same time, with this role, she won the acting award for newcomer. This drama quickly made Song Hye Kyo famous abroad.

Later, Song Hye Kyo starred in the idol drama "Life and Death in Blue", which made Chinese and Korean audiences shed tears.

With this drama, Song Hye Kyo once again won the acting award, the most photogenic award and the popularity award. At the same time, she also won the most weighty TV drama award and popularity award abroad.

After becoming popular, Song Hye Kyo went on to star in many film and television dramas, such as Love Hotel, Guardian Angel, Life and Death in Los Angeles and so on.

Awards such as performances are even more soft.

In those years, there was a popular saying everywhere: foreign idol dramas with flowing water and Song Hye Kyo made of iron.

In different idol dramas, she cooperated with different popular actors to shoot a fire. Song Hye Kyo became a veritable foreign goddess.

Along with the title of foreign goddess, there is Song Hye Kyo’s scandal.

As early as filming "Obstetrics and Gynecology with Wind", Song Hye Kyo had an affair with actor Li Changxun, who was 15 years older than her.

In the "Love Hotel", it was reported that Song Hye Kyo and first hero Bae Yong Jun were in love;

After "Guardian Angel", gossip media revealed that Song Hye Kyo was having an affair with the leading actor Jin Minzhong.

However, these rumors have been denied by Song Hye Kyo brokerage companies.

Until 2003, Song Hye Kyo and Lee Byunghun collaborated in the film "Love in Los Angeles".

During the publicity period of filming, not only were they photographed traveling together, but Lee Byunghun also bought a couple’s ring for Song Hye Kyo.

In this way, the two talents officially open their relationship.

Even Lee Byunghun announced with great expectation that he and Song Hye Kyo would be married in early 2004.

When Lee Byunghun announced the wedding news, Song Hye Kyo and Rain were filming A Room Full of Romance.

Not long after, the scandal between Song Hye Kyo and Rain came out again.

Lee Byunghun, on the other hand, changed his normal state and denied his love affair with Song Hye Kyo, even saying that the rumors of marriage were totally out of thin air. It is said that there is a gap between the two people’s marriage views and it is impossible to get married.

Although Romantic Room was very popular when it was broadcast, Song Hye Kyo and Rain also attracted a large number of fans in China.

However, in order to break through the bottleneck of acting and escape the annoying scandal, Song Hye Kyo simply went abroad to study.

Two years later, Song Hye Kyo came back and starred in the movie Huang Zhenyi.

Huang Zhenyi was a famous prostitute in the 16th century abroad. She was born in a noble family and was proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and dancing.

In order to play this role well, Song Hye Kyo not only practiced playing the piano, dancing and calligraphy, but also carefully studied ancient etiquette.

This is also a role in which Song Hye Kyo has made the biggest breakthrough in his image since he came from the arts.

In the past, she was dressed in modern clothes, playing a pure and lovely girl next door. The role of Huang Zhenyi not only played a bad woman with heavy makeup, but also had many passionate plays.

This is a great breakthrough of Song Hye Kyo’s acting career.

With the role of Huang Zhenyi, she won the film award again, the best female newcomer award, and was also shortlisted for the best actress in the Qinglong Award, the most important film award abroad.

This role has broken the audience’s impression that she can only play TV series but not movies.

After Huang Zhenyi won the prize, Song Hye Kyo returned to the TV series again. She and Hyun Bin starred in The World They Live in.

This time, she fell in love with Hyun Bin again and announced her love affair.

In the third year of love, before Hyun Bin joined the army, Song Hye Kyo and Hyun Bin released a public breakup statement together.

This also made many viewers start to criticize Song Hye Kyo. They fell in love once for a play and fell in love with a partner once for cooperation.

However, after breaking up with Hyun Bin, when Song Hye Kyo and Jiang Dongyuan collaborated on My Life, they were photographed traveling together.

However, Song Hye Kyo did not admit his love affair, but signed a contract with Zedong Film and Television, a film and television company in Wong Kar-wai.

After focusing on China, Song Hye Kyo starred in famous film and television dramas such as Taiping Wheel and Grandmaster.

However, in addition to the scandal, she was also exposed by people who ate melons abroad, and she evaded taxes abroad by 2.5 billion won. (About 12.75 million RMB)

Song Hye Kyo held a press conference and publicly apologized.

Foreign people did not forgive her easily, and her word-of-mouth acting career fell to the bottom. In those two years, she only released Taiping Wheel and I am the Queen, which were filmed in China.

It was not until she received the TV series Descendants of the Sun that she made a beautiful turnaround with the role of Mu-Yeon Kang.


At that time, Song Joong Ki had just retired from the army, and he could have a leading role. Of course, he wouldn’t miss it.

Let him don’t want to miss, and Song Hye Kyo.

Song Hye Kyo, who became famous early, is the goddess in many people’s hearts, including Song Joong Ki.

Long before joining the army, Song Joong Ki signed a contract with Che Tae-hyun’s agency for My Barbarian Girlfriend, and Song Hye Kyo has cooperated with Che Tae-hyun for many times.

When Song Hye Kyo filmed "The Wind is Blowing that Spring", Song Joong Ki went to the crew through the back door and met Song Hye Kyo because he and first hero Zo In Sung were good brothers.

Although Song Hye Kyo was having an affair with Zo In Sung at that time, in the eyes of her younger brother Song Joong Ki, everything was so perfect for the goddess.

When working with Descendants of the Sun, Song Joong Ki was in close contact with the goddess, but he couldn’t hide his joy.

Whether it’s a drama or a publicity campaign, or two people attending fashion activities and award ceremony together, he cares for Song Hye Kyo with all his heart.

At the wedding, it was cold, and he held Song Hye Kyo’s hands in his palm and kept rubbing them to keep her warm.

In fairy tales, the prince and princess lived happily ever after. Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo at that time, in the eyes of many people, were also the joy that CP finally came true.

However, golden couple’s marriage has also come to the stage of breaking up. Even after the break-up, the performances of both parties have vividly interpreted the "old age and death".

First of all, during the period when the breakup was just announced, fans in Song Joong Ki said that they were not at fault, that is, Song Hye Kyo was at fault in marriage.

It is even more rumored that when Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki’s good younger brother Park Bo Gum collaborated on Boyfriend, their relationship was unusual.

Drove Park Bo Gum to issue a statement overnight to refute rumors.

Song Hye Kyo, on the other hand, accused Song Joong Ki and President jane doe of having an unusual relationship and breaking up was "acting on orders".

By March of this year, Song Joong Ki flattened the wedding room that she bought with nearly 10 billion won before marriage, as if to erase all the marks of their living together.

Song Hye Kyo also sold the house where they once lived together at a reduced price. Fans said that she would rather bear the loss than see someone again.

During this period, someone photographed Shuangsong appearing on the streets of foreign countries. When asked whether they were reunited, the insider said that "it is absolutely impossible, and they have no possibility of reuniting".

Constantly rumoring and clarifying, so the two really don’t want to have anything to do with each other.

However, the two parties also maintained their basic self-cultivation and did not personally say anything to each other.


After the breakup, Song Hye Kyo starred in the TV series Now, Breaking Up, with Lu Han’s former teammate SE HUN, a young handsome guy.

On July 7th, Song Hye Kyo attended a Paris fashion event with a delicate and capable short hair.

At the event, Song Hye Kyo wore a decent suit, and it was difficult to hide her figure with special tailoring.

To everyone’s surprise, instead of being decadent or fat, she looks better than before.

Song Hye Kyo, who turns 41 four months later, looks no different from 20 years ago, adding more confidence and calmness.

Later, Song Hye Kyo took photos of her travels on the Internet. She wore sunglasses, simple jeans, a fashionable white T-shirt and a military green jacket, which made her long legs very eye-catching.

Song Hye Kyo is in a good state and mood under the scorching sun.

Some time ago, her ex-husband Song Joong Ki also made headlines many times, but it was not a very good evaluation.

On May 31st, Song Hye Kyo’s ex-boyfriend Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin held a wedding ceremony, and Song Joong Ki also attended the ceremony to congratulate them.

Surprisingly, however, the once handsome young man has become somewhat unrecognizable.

Foreign male stars are recognized as handsome when they are handsome, but when they are old, they are like steamed bread, among which Lee MinHo is the most typical one.

However, Song Joong Ki, who is less than 37 years old, not only has not escaped the fat of foreign male stars, but also has a lot of flesh and acne on his face, and looks a little greasy.

Some fans said that after he broke up, there was no light in his eyes.

Indeed, Song Joong Ki doesn’t look handsome and confident in the past, and his eyes are swollen, which is totally different from the way he was with Song Hye Kyo at that time.

At that time, they got married. Song Hye Kyo was 36 years old, about the same age as Song Joong Ki now, but Song Joong Ki’s status was far from Song Hye Kyo when she got married.

No wonder some people say that Qiao Mei won’t be old, and she will always be Qiao Mei in everyone’s mind.

In fact, the marriage and love of celebrity stars, because of their identity, will inevitably attract people’s attention. As long as they are in the circle, their predecessors and ex-predecessors will always be compared.

Of course, stars, as public figures, give up their right to privacy and earn this money.

Being in good condition naturally makes people boast; Poor state, it is inevitable to make people laugh.

Is like Song Hye Kyo, no matter what rumors, she always calm forever, this is the secret that she has been in good condition.

Married because of the five senses, but separated because of the three views.

I hope that in the future, Shuangsong can find a more suitable partner.

Editor in charge:

One car a day, Ford sharp l

In terms of appearance, as the second-in-command of Ford and the second-in-command of the American Department, it is of course necessary to have a domineering appearance. The appearance of this generation is indeed much more domineering than the previous generation and the previous generation. We don’t have the advertising words given by those manufacturers either. In short, I just think it’s very atmospheric and beautiful.

The appearance of this generation is indeed much more domineering than the previous generation and the previous generation. We don’t have the advertising words given by those manufacturers either. In short, I just think it’s very atmospheric and beautiful.

By the way, there is also the hidden door handle. Ford is the first one to make the traditional door handle hidden, and it is applied to the sharp edge L of medium-sized and large SUV, which is a localized and special configuration for cars. Great!

From the perspective of size positioning, although the new Ford Sharp L is still defined as a medium-sized SUV, compared with the old Ford Sharp, the total length of the car body has reached 5 meters, which has been directly extended by 122 mm, and the width of 1961mm has also been significantly widened. The key is that the wheelbase has been extended to 2950mm, no.

Only more spacious than the old sharp edge, compared with the new generation of Toyota Highlander also has a greater advantage.

The power configuration provides pure fuel and hybrid in one step. With the 2.0T turbocharged engine, the power performance has been improved compared with the old Ford Sharp, and the minimum entry door has 252 horsepower. The hybrid version of the internal combustion engine is pulled up to 275 horsepower output, and it is also equipped with a 190 horsepower motor. Therefore, the comprehensive output of the two is quite strong, which can make this big SUV run in 7.1 seconds with zero acceleration.

The configuration in the car is more exaggerated, and it is simply not in the same era as Toyota Highlander. Sharp L is unified with Ford EVOS and the new Mondeo, providing a full-screen configuration directly, with a large screen on the right reaching 27 inches.

There is also a separate digital LCD instrument panel in front of the driver.

Let’s focus on the seat here. The focus is on the second row of seats,

A 200,000-odd traditional joint venture medium and large SUV is equipped with two independent seats, two independent wireless charging, rear-drive independent zone air conditioning and leg rest. Who else is this configuration? Tell me in the comments section.

Who else pays attention to the comfort and convenience of the second row? You said that I don’t need the third row at ordinary times, so I put it away. I use it as a big five and seven for emergency. Doesn’t he smell good?

However, the chassis is obviously degraded, and the large-scale aluminum alloy support kit has disappeared, and the front and rear independent suspension structures are all made of steel. Briefly introduce Ford’s chassis platform. For Ford, small cars are generally B-type platforms, compact cars are C-type platforms, and then medium and large cars are CD4/6 platforms. The previous generation of Sharp, Taurus and Mondeo are all CD4 platforms, while the new Sharp, Evos Fox and Sharp International are all C2 platforms. CD4′ s platform has always been made of good materials. Swing arms and horns are all made of aluminum alloy, which is heavy, quiet and sporty. The C2 platform is all made of steel. The chassis performance limit of CD4 is higher. Therefore, the chassis of Sharp L changes from CD4 to C2, which means the chassis is degraded. But understandably, I gave you the size of the car so much, with a fish screen.

You used it, HUD and other high-tech configurations were arranged for you, and the price was reduced for you. I have to go back and look for it somewhere. Alas, I finally chose the most thankless chassis, which is no problem from the perspective of manufacturers or commodities. In terms of the feeling of the chassis, the maneuverability is indeed reduced, but it is acceptable. Exaggerated, at least 90% of users can’t feel this difference.